
Daycare and Overnight Accommodations are available for your furry family member!

Our daycare offers supervised socialization in all our play areas.  This socialization is such an important part of your dog’s well-being.  While they are social creatures by nature, they do need supervision and structure to the pack to be truly well-adjusted.

Day Care rates vary depending on your individual needs:

Interview and Meet and Greet Day – Free (by appointment only)

Full Day Rate – $35

Half Day Rate – $25 (up to four hours)

Monthly Day Care Package – $395 for up to 15 visits (that’s a savings of $130)

Monthly Unlimited Day Care Package – $495

Overnight Accommodations does include participation in the Day Care activities.

Rate per night – $45

20% discount for second dog in same room

Boarding for Private Play Dogs – $50

Medical Injection while boarding – $5.00 each injection

For Your Feline Family Members

Cats are welcome here at The FURlough, too.  We have created a special room that your cat will love.

Rates for Cats per Night – $25

The idea for The FURlough Dog Daycare and Pet Resort was inspired by our love for dogs (and cats) and the recognition of the massive need for daycare and boarding services for busy families in our community. We love our pets as family members and, when circumstances allow, we take them with us on excursions and adventures. On those occasions that they are not able to accompany us, we want to be sure they are safe and well taken care of by someone who cares.